The Zend: Final Farm & Sanctuary

Meet Your CONNECT Education Presenter


Programs with this presenter are available for the following age groups:

• Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
• 3rd Grade - 5th Grade

• Middle School - Grades 6-8

• High School - Grades 9-12

Hi, I’m Alli, and I’m so happy you’re here! My husband, Justin, and I founded The Zend Final Farm Sanctuary to create a safe and loving home for animals in need while inspiring compassion and change in the world around us.

Download Presenter’s Bio

Schedule Your Presenter

  • Use the scheduling form (below) to see partner availability and to schedule a session.
  • After scheduling, see our Downloadable Educational Materials section (below) for helpful materials and activities available to download to support your classroom session.

Downloadable Educational Materials

Based on your desired age group, click the following links to download classroom materials for booked sessions:

Download Education Packet - Grades K-2
Download Education Packet - Grades 3-5
Download Education Packet - Grades 6-8
Download Education Packet - Grades 9-12

[email protected]

Find Out More!


Justin, TX
(817) 721-0114

Disclaimer - Participation in Compassion Education: CONNECT & Inspire

By participating in the Compassion Education: CONNECT & Inspire program, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

ReelTime Animal Rescue and its Presenters strive to provide accurate, engaging, and educational content to participants. However, ReelTime Animal Rescue and its Presenters assume no liability for any damages, injuries, or claims that may arise during or after participation in this program.

This program is offered on an informational basis only, and the content is not intended as a substitute for professional advice or services. Educators and participants are responsible for determining the appropriateness of the program materials and any activities suggested during sessions for their specific classroom, students, or environment.

By proceeding with participation, you release and hold harmless ReelTime Animal Rescue, its employees, contractors, volunteers, Presenters, and affiliates from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, or causes of action, known or unknown, that may arise from your involvement in this program.

Thank you for understanding and supporting our mission to inspire compassion and education.